Well, here it is 2024! That's a lot of years between posts! So much has happened!
Here's a few to mention.....
I got divorced just after my last post when I found him cheating!
My father passed in 2014
My mother passed in 2016 as well as my ex-husband
I survived many hurricanes
I'm still at the same job after 27 years!
I left Orlando and moved further south
I bought a gorgeous house with an acre of land
My love life started looking up
Still watching Survivor! Young and Restless and the Bold and Beautiful, Grey's Anatomy and all sorts of other Reality Shows.
It's funny when I read the old posts... I still have the same pet peeves and even more. You get set in your ways as you get older and you don't take as much crap.
Now, the problem is Trump! I survived his presidency barely but then the buffoon started an insurrection on the capital when he didn't win reelection. Joe Biden was hard to watch as he got older in office. Now we have another chance at electing a woman but she's running against that pig Trump! This asshole feels he should be president again! What an ego-maniac!!!!!
I've always felt that people look up to the president, but let me tell you, with Trump there is nothing to look up to. He's a bully, whiny, he name calls, he treats people like shit and makes fun of them to their face. Is this presidential? I do not think so. AND what gets me is how he treats women! WOW it's truly insane. I have to look at my women friends that support him in a new light. It just baffles me how any woman can accept him as their president and makes you wonder what their personal life is if they accept this behavior from the president or any man for that matter.
I understand that every party has their politics, but he goes beyond politics. He insults humanity.
I really hope is he gets slaughtered in the next election.
Then the other question is how to do you live with someone that supports him? It's really very difficult and the conversations are completely avoided.
Enough for today.