Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday, June 15th 2007

Well, I guess I decided to start a blog because I really have alot to say sometimes and I wonder who I should say it to...

For example:

I want to know why I have to wait for a table at a restaurant when there are 10 or 12 tables empty.

Why are people so rude in the grocery store, I had a woman last week stand in front of me everytime I stopped to look at something. She was totally unaware that she was blocking me each time. My husband and I just shook our heads everytime she did it. It was almost like she was following me around the store.

Can someone tell me why there are still people that support BUSH!!! What exactly does this man have to do to get people to stop supporting him and get impeached???? Oh...I know, he just needs to get a blow job... then we can impeach him... Will someone call in a hooker!

Well this is enough for now... at least now I have a place to put these thoughts.. Who knows if anyone will read them!

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